offical school uniforms
New URL for logging in to Infinite Campus for parents and students! Make sure you bookmark it!
Is your student falling behind in their classes?  Did they receive an incomplete in one of their classes last semester? Do they need a little more time to master content and complete assignments?  Sign them up for after school tutoring! Email or for more information
Pyramid Lake Jr./Sr. High School is partnering with JOIN,  Inc. to offer graduating students in-depth career exploration and a path to getting started in careers right after high school. JOIN is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that can offer career exploration services to our students now and can support graduates with training, career guidance, and coaching once they graduate. Students and families can decide in May if they would like to become clients of JOIN after graduation. There is no obligation to signup.  JOIN Inc. provides access to free educational and occupational training to Northern Nevadans in 13 counties so you don't take on debt from costs associated with these opportunities. Eligible individuals will receive a variety of services to include; occupational skills training, work experience opportunities, and employability skills training at no cost.  ​JOIN’s services are available to all Nevadans. If someone in your family is interested in learning more, please invite them to the information night on November 4.  JOIN will be presenting to PLHS seniors during their senior success class on Monday 10/18 and Tuesday 10/19. JOIN, Inc.  Parent and Community Information Night  Thursday, November 4 5:30 pm PLHS Library
P.L.P.T. Higher Education Support Grant Program
​Immunization Record